Fried Cucumbers?

by Tasha


When I lived in South Korea, my Korean roommate used to cook wonderful cucumbers deeped in egg. I think those were cucumbers. She'd slice the thing, deep it into an egg and fry it on the frying pan. However, I never really paid attention to what exactly was that she was cooking. :( Could you shed some light on this?


Hi Tasha

I think that it was more likely your roommate was using Courgettes or Zucchini. A vegetable which looks similar to a cucumber.

Simply dip in egg and flour and fry. I made a simlar dish with cod, you can change this for a vegetable and cook in the same way

Pan Fried Cod

I hope this helps

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Dec 29, 2011
Not fried cucumbers
by: Jo

I was zucchini. My ajima used to make this all the time when I was a kid.

Feb 21, 2012
Cucumber? NEW
by: Anonymous

Isn't it squash? I saw this on a cooking show. They sliced the squash and dipped it in flour, then in egg and fried it

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